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Social media marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies among all digital marketing strategies in our days, to boost your business’s brand awareness and exposure.
With today’s huge social media active users, it is kind of the most effective way to reach people not only near you but also worldwide, especially since even top social media platforms are developing per day to reach more and more users.
So, if you are thinking about whether to use social media platforms for business or not, then your answer is a definite YES, however, with different available social platforms, you need to make sure to go with the most popular social media platforms for your business.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Business:
Social media marketing and business relationships are for sure required for all business marketing strategies, however, choosing the right social media platforms for business is more than essential due to achieving effective results.
Let us talk more about the impact of the right choice on your business marketing strategy and its effectiveness:
- Existing on the right social media platforms for business will help you reach your targeted audience effectively and build a relationship with them.
- Boost your brand awareness and exposure effectively.
- Reach new markets with powerful social media ads.
- Be available online for your audience and gain their loyalty.
- Make your general business digital marketing strategy more effective.
When to use Social Media Platforms?
First things first, let us agree that existing on social media platforms is not an option anymore, due to the lifestyle we are living, especially, in 2023 and for sure for years to come, moreover, the sure thing is you have to look for your business top social media platforms, not only work randomly on social media.
On the other hand, existing on the most popular social media platform is important, however, being more active and even using paid social media platforms campaigns may be necessary for the next situations:

· New Company:
When starting your new company, building a visual identity, and marketing strategy, make sure to consider the top social media platforms in your business category, based on your consumer behavior, to gain useful and effective results.
· New Product:
Even if you are an old company in the market with a clear and effective marketing strategy, but you are adding a new product to your production line, then it is now the time for a new campaign on the most popular social media platforms.
· New Marketplace:
Entering a new market could be one of the most exciting work for any company, and social media platforms could play a huge helping role in this for any small or large company.
Here is where top social media platforms help your marketing strategy to be more effective, and help you to see the results in a better way.
This means, that even if you have a strong and effective marketing strategy, you need to study and adjust to the new market, and plan well, like what Starbucks did in Japan.
7 Tips to choose your best social media platforms for business:
When talking about social media marketing strategy, there are, in one way or another, no wrongs or rights, but there are more effective strategies than others, particularly, when considering the business category.
Our experts advise you to consider the next 10 pieces of advice when choosing your top social media platforms:

1. Targeted audience:
In any marketing strategy, you should know your targeted audience, and plan your digital marketing funnels based on them, moreover, likes and dislikes audience’s studies, all the previous apply equally when choosing your best social media platforms for business.
Moreover, knowing on which platforms your audience is high or best active, will for sure make your strategy more effective.
So, in other words, take your time to study your audience and their most popular social media platforms, put those platforms in your strategy, and be active on them as you should be.
On the other hand, this actually helps you to use the right type of CTA for your audience, and the best way to place it on your pages and posts.
2. Audience Demographics:
After knowing your targeted audience, you must dig a little deeper to know more about their demographics, including where they live, age, gender, language, and all the related details to their daily life.
This will help you to know how to reach your targeted audience on social media platforms for business with the right tones, designs, content, and hashtags.
3. Company Type:
Choosing the best social media platforms for business is in some way controlled by the company type and business category, more than that, this really affects the whole digital marketing strategy.
So, business category and company type, whether, it is a small, big, formal, or informal company, will in fact, have an effect on the company style and visual identity, more than that, the company’s products and targeted audience, all of that control the top social media platforms you should be active on.
For example, if you are a photographer and want to be on social media platforms, then your best platforms would be: Instagram, Pinterest, and other visual platforms, on the other hand, being active on formal platforms, such as LinkedIn, will not place you on the best social media platforms for the photography business.
So, yes, it is great to be active on several platforms, however, it is best to be on the top social media platforms for your company type.
4. Consider your competitors:
Although, when saying marketing study, you will immediately consider audience and market study, but in fact, studying your competitors and their strategies will also help you to avoid their worst digital marketing mistakes and gain from their on-goal movements.
Search your competitors and find out their most popular social media platforms, and add them to your marketing strategy, in one way or another will help you to take bigger steps with your business, and know the most effective market steps.
More than that, study your competitors in all the different markets you are targeting, to see the different results and keep them in consideration.
However, keep in mind to only take a look and benefit from your competitors’ choices in the top social media platforms, and NEVER copy and paste their work, otherwise, you will only find present results that will not help you to build brand awareness and future for your business.

5. Your social media goals:
When planning your business’s social media existence, you should not only focus on being on the most popular social media platforms but also, you should set a clear target and goal from existing on social platforms and at the same time target your best social media platforms for business.
More than that, to gain the best results, you should know each social media platform’s main personality lines and targeted audience personality.
So, know your business goals from social media in the most possible and clear way, then you can choose the best platforms for you, moreover, either go with free social media, if you are marketing a small business, or get some help from paid social media platforms.
6. Work by your resources:
Knowing and working with your actual business resources is one of the greatest steps on your way to success in general, not only on social media.
Even though you should exist on the top social media platforms for business, if you do not have enough resources to make that existence a winning one, then it is better to actively exist on the best social media platform for your business, this will benefit you, and help you build the brand exposure you are looking for.
On the other hand, when you have the resources and existence on all the most popular social media platforms, then do not forget to take care of all the social media work as one, to present your work in a united image and style on all platforms.
7. Advertising Opportunities:
To create effective social media platforms for business, then you must follow popular trends, use the right hashtags, moreover, work based on the current time.
To be clearer, when planning your social media strategy in Ramadan time you should be Ramadan-ready with all your work from the content to design, and the publishing time to reach your audience effectively, moreover, make them feel like you are one of them.
This adjustment in your social media platforms for business strategy, will boost your advertisement efforts and actually help you achieve better results with a faster timeline.

8. Consistency visual identity:
This social media marketing tip is actually about the fact that you always need a clear visual identity for your business, no matter what is your company type, furthermore, no matter what is your top social media platforms.
This takes a role in boosting your existence on the most popular social media platforms, moreover, being on the best social media platforms for business with a consistent visual identity will not only help you gain the best of this but also, will boost brand awareness.
More than that, will help your audience to know and recognize your posts and images on all platforms, which will make them more convenient with your business’s brand.
9. Building An Appropriate and Consistent Strategy:
As your visual identity should be consistent on all channels, your marketing strategy, whether we are talking about digital marketing or traditional marketing, in the voice tone and other details.
As even you are using different channels and social media platforms for business, yet you are targeting the same audience.
Moreover, this will help you improve your brand awareness and exposure as people will start to recognize your brand whenever they see it due to the stable and effective consistent strategy.
10. Hire professionals:
Getting the best results from the best social media platforms for business, will mean professional social media work and planning.
So, to succeed, we advise you to ignore all the talking about social media platforms’ unimportance, and how it needs a little working time, some even say that it needs only 20-30 minutes per day, moreover, give those highly important social platforms the needed time to plan and schedule.
However, if you do not know what to do and how to be on the best social media platforms for business, then give yourself a break to focus on your other business aspects and hire social media professionals to make your existence remarkable and worth noticing.

Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business:
Now, it is time to make all the previous work effective, thus, after following the pre-listed tips it is time to implement them correctly.
Thus, we are going to present to you the most effective social media platforms for business with the best-growing indicators, however, choosing which one of them you must exist on must rely on your targeted audience study and analysis:
- YouTube
- Tik Tok
A final word from our experts,
After taking into consideration all the tips in this blog, it is time to choose the best social media platforms for your business to make your existence on them a countable one.
More than that, if you still have any questions or need social media professional help, do not hesitate to contact ãrtiMedia Pro, the professionals you need.