
As we all know people change through time, whether these changes were permanent or just for some time, and that is why consumer behavior during Ramadan changes.

Thus, your marketing team must observe, study, and analyze your consumer behavior at different times to keep your digital marketing strategy up-to-date and suitable for your customers’ needs.

Today, we are going to guide you through consumer behavior during Ramadan definition, why you need to adjust to Ramadan digital marketing, and what are the necessary changes you must do.

Moreover, introduce you to the phases of consumer behavior during Ramadan, and the steps to implement Ramadan’s digital marketing strategy.


Consumer Behavior During Ramadan Definition:

As we all know consumer behavior and digital marketing are highly related, and consumer behavior could be defined as all your clients’ activities before, during, and after buying your products or services.

However, consumer behavior during Ramadan, or any special time of the year, could be defined as your consumer behavior during this specific time, the changes that affected his/her activities, and what are the impacts of these changes on your digital marketing strategy.

Thus, your marketing team must analyze these changes and update your digital marketing strategy based on this new behavior set, to be able to reach your clients effectively and boost your brand awareness.


Why Adjusting Your Digital Marketing Strategy During Ramadan Is Important? | ãrtiMedia Pro

Why Adjusting Your Digital Marketing Strategy During Ramadan Is Important?

You may be wondering why to adjust during these specific short times, and not keep the digital marketing strategy going the same without these efforts.

So, let us tell you why adjusting is important, but first, keep in mind that adjusting is not an option if you want to succeed:

· Be Related:

Adjusting your work to your clients’ timing will boost your brand exposure and present you and your brand as part of their society, and this is really important for small business marketing strategy.

Thus, buying and dealing with your business will be a normal action, that does not need a lot of thinking and analyzing, as you are one of them.

· Society Attached:

Working as your society schedule will make you look like a society member, thus, thinking of any public social activity will mean thinking of you.

In other words, you will be attached to your clients’ memories at different times of the year.

· Gain Benefit:

Adjusting to Ramadan’s digital marketing strategy will help your business to benefit from what this time is offering and gain profits from meeting your client’s requirements at the right time.


What Are the Changes in Consumer Behavior During Ramadan?

Before going any deeper, let us introduce you to the basic consumer behavior changes during Ramadan, to know how to be Ramadan ready with an effective Ramadan marketing strategy:

· Browsing Time:

Statics showed that people browse differently during Ramadan Day, as people are more likely to browse after Iftar and Suhor times, whether, we are talking about web browsing or social media browsing.

· Online Shopping:

People tend to do online shopping more during Ramadan, due to the fact that their shopping hours are different and they may like to shop at times when actual stores are closed.

This is part of the different browsing time reflections, however, keep in mind that people are more likely to buy during late night hours.

· Trends Following:

There are some traditional trends during Ramadan, and some other ones for each year, however, despite the trend type, people tend to follow trends more during Ramadan.

Whether, this is an eating, sport, or decoration trend.

· Charity and Giving:

We cannot say that this is a trend, rather than an Islamic tradition that is shown more during Ramadan, as people tend to help each other with food, expenses, or cloth to spread the Ramadan spirit more.


The 3 Phases of Consumer Behavior During Ramadan to Consider:

Your Ramadan digital marketing strategy should consider the phases your customers are going through during Ramadan, to actually make changes that drive results:

1. Pre Ramadan:

Where people are preparing for Ramadan times, but still going with their regular routine, as here, you must start your Ramadan campaign but slightly, moreover, start relating your products and services to their needs during Ramadan.

2. During Ramadan:

In this phase, people are in a Ramadan mood, and you must implement all the changes, from the publishing time, and content type, to the designing theme for your social media accounts or website.

Moreover, share tips for Ramadan by using your products and services to encourage people to actually buy.

3. Pre Eid:

So, all the done preparation aims to boost your brand awareness and exposure, moreover, keep your products or services in your clients’ minds for this point when they buy more.

As people before Eid, tend to buy gifts for their beloved ones or buy things they missed during Ramadan.


Steps to Work Based on Your Consumer Behavior During Ramadan | ãrtiMedia Pro

Steps to Work Based on Your Consumer Behavior During Ramadan:

Now, it is time to take action and start your shifting to your Ramadan digital marketing strategy with these powerful steps:

· Adjust Your Timing:

If you kept your publishing time as usual, you will be publishing for offline people, thus, adjust based on your consumers’ time during Ramadan, and when they are most active.

This is most important when we are talking about social media ads, as you must set your ads’ timing based on your customers’ new timing, to reach them, and gain the best out of your budget.

· Ramadan Content:

Whether we are talking about your brand used voice tone, hashtags, content ideas, or written content, all of these must be adjusted with a Ramadan voice tone to reach your followers easier.

For example, if you have a restaurant, you can share content about your Iftar and Suhor meals preparation, but, it is unpreferable to share pictures from your restaurant with people eating during fasting hours.

In other words, your content must show respect for your audience’s traditions during Ramadan times or any other time of the year.

· Do Offers:

Most brands sell more during offers, especially if the offers are reaching people during spiritual and emotional times, like Ramadan! Thus, benefit from people’s willingness to buy and be ready with amazing offers.

You can do offers with an actual price-lowering percentage, buy 2 get 1 free, or offering a free Ramadan trial, this will actually make your marketing funnel even faster and increase your revenue.

· Use Hashtags:

As we all know, using the right hashtags help your content to show up in front of the right people, thus, it is important to take care of your hashtags and add the right ones.

However, during Ramadan, and next to your traditional hashtags, you must add ones that suit Ramadan, moreover, use the hashtags correctly for each platform as each one has different hashtags specifications to make your hashtags effective.

· Engage Your Audience:

Engaging in Ramadan should be within Ramadan traditions, whether when you reply to your clients’ comments or messages, moreover, when you interact on their posts, reels, or stories.

More than that, you should not ignore your email marketing during Ramadan, however, engage your audience with suitable emails, services, products, or offers for Ramadan times.

· Deal with Influences:

Regularly, you must choose the right influencers for your brand, who share the same values as your brand, moreover, have a good reputation and trustworthiness among your targeted audience.

And that also applies to Ramadan, but with some extra requirements, as it is preferable to deal with influencers who follow Ramadan tradition or live in a country with an Islamic majority.



The sure thing is that your consumer behavior during Ramadan changes, thus, you must change your digital marketing campaign based on that to achieve powerful results.

Thus, contact us, we are here and ready to help you get the best out of any time with a more than effective digital marketing strategy.