With a lot of happiness, we present to you our work for Fusion Corporate.

About Fusion Corporate:

Fusion is a working corporate in the field of painting materials and all the related necessary materials, with a targeted audience from large construction projects to DIY house painting projects.

Located and working from Damascus with mainly two paints Brands, that Fusion is the main provider for them in the area.

Branding Services:

The main points of our visual identity graphic design were to highlight the world of colors our client is working in with unlimited possibilities, and a lot of shades combined together to create the dream space.

Social Media:

Working on creating the best social media existence for the clients on all the required social media platforms to reach the targeted audience, with effective strategy building, content marketing, graphic design, publishing, account management, and copywriting.

Our work aimed to increase brand awareness, reach, and followers’ interactions, with amazing results that empowered the client’s work situation and revenues.