
Instagram is one of the most growing and important social media platforms in 2024, thus, as a business, you must work to exist on the Instagram Explore page and reach out to more followers.

As the Instagram Explorer page could be considered your effective way to reach new followers who are actually interested in what you are posting, as this will boost your brand awareness and exposure in a new market.

In this blog post, we are going to list full information about Instagram Explore page, how it works, factors that control your appearance on the explore page, why it is important to be on Instagram Explore page, and secret tips to be on it.


What Is Instagram Explore Page? | ãrtiMedia Pro

What Is Instagram Explore Page?

Instagram Explore page is all the public videos, reels, images, and even stories that are displayed when the Instagram user clicks on the magnifying glass icon.

Moreover, like fingerprints, no Instagram Explore page is like the other, as the Instagram Explore page is tailored based on each user’s likes, follows, and interactions on his/her main news feed.

On the other hand, even if an account posts something public and in your interest circle, yet, it must meet certain criteria and likes numbers to be listed on the Instagram Explore page.


How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

On the first hand, the Instagram algorithm evaluates and tracks IG users’ likes, follows, and interactions to create their unique IG explore page, and helps them actually to get more valuable information about things they are actually interested in and like.

On the other hand, the Instagram algorithm also tracks professional accounts to see if they are doing things right and deserve to be on Instagram Explore page, and you can check that on the Instagram account status feature to know if you are working right and what changes you need to do to be on IG explore page.


Factors That Control Your Existence on IG Explore Page:

After knowing “How does the Instagram Explore page algorithm work?” it is time to learn about the factors that control your existence on IG explore page or not:

  • Sharing public content, as even if you do everything right, yet, your content is private you will never reach the Instagram Explore page.
  • Content types, as sometimes a specific content type could be more popular than the others, thus, posting with it will help you to reach the explore page.
  • Having a good engagement rate on the shared posts will help you reach Instagram users’ explore pages.


Why It Is Important to Reach Instagram Explore Page:

So, if you are wondering why to bother whether you show up on Instagram Explore page or not! Let us tell you that as a professional account being on IG explore page will give you so many great advantages, especially if we are talking about small business marketing.

· Better Brand Exposure:

Existence on Instagram Explore page will make your brand more visible, thus, this will mean more brand awareness and exposure.

· More Engagement Rate:

Being on Instagram Explore page means that more people will see your content, and if you shared the right interesting content more people will engage with your posts.

· Reach the Right Audience:

As we mentioned earlier, every IG explore page is unique based on everyone’s interests and interactions, thus, your content will be displayed for the right people, and by that, you may be gaining new important followers.

· Increase Revenue:

All that exposure, engagement, and new audience reaching will help you grow your business, thus, you will gain more profits.


Our Tips to Help You Get on Instagram Explore Page | ãrtiMedia Pro

Our 8 Tips to Help You Get on Instagram Explore Page:

To create an effective existence on the right social media platform and Instagram particularly, you need to follow these great tips that will help you appear on Instagram Explore page:

1. Create Engaging Content:

If you want people to interact with your account, then you must share interesting and engaging content for them based on your consumer behavior study and analytics.

When considering content engaging, it should catch the user’s eyes with the right headline, caption, and design, moreover, provoke him/her to engage with a like, comment, or even mention a friend.

However, keep in mind that engaging content differs from time to time based on the popular trends of the current time.

2. Add the Right Hashtags:

Using hashtags on Instagram, or any other social media platform, is highly important as it plays a big role in helping your content to appear in front of the right people.

Hashtags help Instagram to see your content and categorize it in the right category, furthermore, showing it to the right people who will be interested.

On the other hand, many brands use brand hashtags that are directly related to your brand tagline, services, or products.

3. Post regularly:

It is a known fact that Instagram algorithms care about consistency more than caring about how many times you share.

Thus, whether you decided to post once per day, or 3 times a week, it is more likable to schedule your posting on regular timing, as that will send Instagram signs that you are committed to your account, and will push your content through the explore page.

4. Know When Your Audience Is Online:

You must regularly update your collected data about your current audience, and the new targeted ones, to actually know how to engage them and guide them through your marketing funnel.

These data and analytics will tell you when your people are online to post at the best time for your audience, otherwise, you would be posting for people that are not available, and your content will be lost, moreover, will get no interaction.

5. Run IG Keywords Research:

Instagram algorithm work based on texts and included keywords, when categorizing your content.

As you should use keywords related to what you do, and the services and products you are offering, moreover, these keywords must be included in the account name, bio, and posted captions.

Many accounts tend to add related keywords to the comments, however, this is an ineffective move that will not help your content to appear on the Instagram Explore page for the right people.

6. Use Instagram Analytics:

Instagram gives you free tools that give you clear analytics data about your audiences and their interactions.

These analytics tell you when your followers are online, what they are interested in, and what is their favorite content type, as if you know that your audience like reels you can add more reels to your Instagram strategy.

All these data will help you create content that boosts your audience engagement, brand awareness, and revenue.

7. Consider Instagram Explore Ads:

Social media ads are a powerful tool that helps you reach your targeted audience, and the new market as you like and when you like.

Businesses use the power of social media ads when they need to run a campaign for a new product or service, or even when they are targeting a new market.

Social media ads can be customized due to your budget, and you can set the right indicators from age, language, location, and gender based on your targeted audience to get the best outcome.

8. Use Reels and Carousel:

Part of creating engaging content is working based on the current trends, as people tend to interact more with popular trends they like.

And in 2024 reels and carousels are more popular than ever, thus, you must for sure include reels and carousels in your strategy to push your content through the Instagram Explore page.


To sum up,

As we saw in this blog, appearing on the Instagram Explore page is controlled by many factors that help you and your business grow.

Thus, you must consider all the previously listed information and work with them to push your account and gain new real followers.

Always remember that professional help is required to know and follow all the required algorithm updates, thus, contact us today and control the Instagram Explore page.